Load image from URL and paste it into your own bitmap
- Load Image from URL
- Convert Image to BASE64 – easy storage on sqlite database
- Convert image to something that can be drawn
Of course this is just a toy since converting to base64 and back is silly
public static Bitmap getBitmapFromURL(String src) { Bitmap ret=null; try { URL url = new URL(src); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setDoInput(true); connection.connect(); // get the image InputStream input = connection.getInputStream(); // convert it into byte[] in prep of convert to base64 byte[] rawimage=readBytes(input); // convert to base64 string String x64=Base64.encodeToString(rawimage, Base64.DEFAULT); // convert back from base64 byte[] ext=Base64.decode(x64, Base64.DEFAULT); // render the byte array as a bitmap ret = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(ext, 0, ext.length); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; }
public void paint() throws Exception{ Canvas c = new Canvas(bitmap); Paint p=new Paint(Color.BLACK); c.drawColor(Color.WHITE); p.setTextSize(80); c.drawText("HEY",50,50,p); try { //Bitmap timg=getBitmapFromURL("http://www.uclick.com/puzzles/tmjmf/puzzles/tmjmf130501.gif"); //c.save(); c.scale(3f, 3f, 0, 0); c.drawBitmap(timg, 200, 100, null); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } //c.restore(); }