Survival Shooter – Chapter 1

Start a 3d project

Find it!/content/40756

Load it into unity

Copy Environment prefab into scene

Copy lights prefab onto screen


We plan to use “Raycast” but don’t want to show on all the objects like the legos or the table.   [We know we are going to do something, but they arent specific.  Start by creating a quad called floor…]  This is the collider.

Create a quad – put it at origin, turn 90 on x.  Scale to 100×100

Name it “Floor”

Remove mesh-render component from floor.  You will see the collider (floor) outline.

Go to the properties window and at the top – change the layer to “Floor”


That is it for now.



Create a blank game object and name it to background-audio

Add the component (audio source)

Use circle-select to pick the audio clip.

Unckeck – play on awake,

Check loop

Adjust volume to 0.1